
Blood Donations and Cheez-It Sprinkles...

Yeah, I know... I've been slacking off. I forgot to post my weigh-in totals on Tuesday. I did work out, I just forgot to type everything. Yep... not just the workout was the highlight of the night. So check this: after my workout, I start to relax in bed while watching TV. It's starting to get late when my sister calls my cell phone (mind you, her room borders mine). I automatically think she's going to bitch about the TV noise as I answer her call. What was the issue? There was a mouse trapped in her room! And when I mean trapped, I mean it was stuck on TWO mouse traps. She had to keep her dog at bay, since he's notorious for attacking helpless rodents that intrude on his domain (i.e. he's way better than a fuckin' cat). So I go into her room, sandwich the mouse between the traps, and throw it in a shopping bag. I felt sad for the lil guy, since he just stared at me from below the bag (like his eyes were asking me to release him). I took this picture to show you all:

So I tie the bag up, and walk it outside the building (cuz I didn't want that shit in my kitchen). And that was the end of a crazy Tuesday night.

On Wednesday, my building was hosting a blood drive. Since I love to help others, I always donate blood when I can. So I go down to the drive, and I'm asked to particpate in a new process of donating. They called it donating "double red". Basically, you're stuck with a needle that has tubes leading into a machine. The machine separates your blood into plasma, saline, and red blood cells. They only keep the red blood cells, while the other shit is remixed and pumped back into you. It sounded crazy, but I'm always down for trying something new. So after the first cycle, things were all good... then the pain came. During the second cycle of "re-inserting my blood", I began to feel pressure around the needle. The pain was more like discomfort, and I ended up having to hold an ice pack on my arm to lower the swelling. Long story short, I gave blood... got some Cheez-Its and water to recoup... and a flashlight for my troubles.

Ok, so now it's Thursday. After having my fun last night (I drank beer... I'm so evil), I plan on reverting back to my routine today. If I don't post weigh-in totals tonight, you all have the right to hunt me down and pelt me with water ballons.


No City For Young Men...

Some ramblings and stuff on this frustrating Tuesday afternoon...

I saw No Country For Old Men... The ending was kinda lame. The move overall was pretty good. The only thing left to wonder was... what happened to the money?

My stomach hurts. I think it's because of all the water I've been drinking (not to mention the cheeseburger deluxe I had for lunch... heh, heh, heh).

I just got some news... but it's too crazy for me to ever post here (sorry). As a result, I will now leave you with this picture to ease your mind (don't forget... weigh-in totals later today):


Juno Rocks... Vodka Can Be Evil...

So I never got around to posting my usual workout stats yesterday. In all honesty, I think Friday should be my "day off" and not Thursday or whatever. Friday just took over me, and injected my body with laziness. I still worked out, but not with the intensity and commitment that I have the last few days. I ended up eating crap, drinking soda (in my offense, it was mixed with vodka), and half-assing my exercise time.

As an aside, I had this HUGE argument with my girlfriend (again). Things were said (real bad things) that might change the face of our relationship... or whatever is left if it. I'm beginning to wonder if she still loves me the same way she used to. There are things that are coming out now that never surfaced during our first year of being together. Could it be the close proximity to each other? Maybe our differences are showing? Or could it just be me and my shit fucking it up? No matter what, I'm committed to making this work. However, I am NOT committed to losing (which is my stubbornness talking... one of the reason we argued last night). The way I see it, things are going to be rough the next few days. As I type, she is somewhere wandering the city. She has not called me, nor do I believe she will return tonight (possibly calling up a friend and staying over). I just hope she's ok.

Back to the workout project > > >
So after my girlfriend left, I decided to use my time for something good. What did I do? I went to the running track, of course! The Parks Department built a new track near where I live (due to the destruction of the old one by construction the new Yankee Stadium). I don't know how large it is (long? round?), but I completed 15 rotations around the track. Now on to the usual stats:

Weigh-in came in at 193lbs.

The workout lasted for about an hour (not including about 30 minutes at the track).

My BMI was 26.9 (labeling me as overweight according to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute).

Food I ate so far today: Half of a ham & cheese sandwich from the deli.

Liquids I drank so far today: Malta when I woke up, water right now, vodka and juice later

Oh, and I saw the movie Juno last night. Awesome shit... should win a couple of awards. I recommend it to anyone who likes real movies (and not the sappy, dramatic garbage Hollywood likes to churn out).


A Day Off...

I forgot to write my entry yesterday, since I considered it my "day off" from the norm. I still went to work and did all the shit I usually do. I just rested at home and drank vodka (with some kiwi strawberry juice).

So as you may assume, I did not work out yesterday. I wanted to let my muscles relax before I began raping them tonight and over the weekend.

Nothing much to report... except the fact that I believe that my scale is really playing tricks on me. I weighed myself this morning (an unofficial, just-for-kicks weigh-in), and I saw that I lost 2lbs!! How did that happen? Was it the vodka? Shiiiiiiieeeeeetttt! I wish it was =) I told my girlfriend that the scale might be possessed by Sam Kinison. Weird, eh?

Anyway, I'll let you all know how things go this evening.

For Thursday, January 24th:
Food I ate today: A Whopper Jr. and two BK Spicey Chicken Crisp sandwiches

Liquids I drank today: Coffee in the morning, Water in the afternoon, Vodka mixed with kiwi-strawberry juice in the evening


Cold, Water, and Skipped Lunches - Part 2...

So I skipped lunch again. However, this time I blame it on the workflow that took me from late morning into mid-afternoon. By the time I took the time to breathe, I realized it was close to 3pm.

Again, I filled myself up with water (with the usual morning coffee)... and again, I was freezing cold (WTF happened to those crazy heat waves we used to have on the East Coast?).

In other news, I caused a bit of tension at home yesterday when I informed my family that I was moving on out (or staying and expecting them to leave). It's already been 5 years of being the "man of the house"... I think it's time that I had my own home (and stopped supporting family who seem a bit too comfy). I gave everyone until May to make their moves. As always... Stay tuned =)

For Day Two:
Weigh-in came in at 194lbs (I think my scale is playing tricks on me).

The workout lasted for about 40 minutes.

My BMI was 27.1 (still labeling me as overweight according to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute).

Food I ate today: General Tso's Chicken with Fried Rice (As my friend Ms. Delorean would say "Don't Judge Me!")

Liquids I drank today: Coffee in the morning, Water the rest of the day


Starting Weight and Stuff...

The grand weigh-in came in at an astounding 197lbs!!!

The workout lasted for about 40 minutes.

My BMI was 27.5 (labeling me as overweight according to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute).

Food I ate today: General Tso's Chicken with Fried Rice (I know... I know...)

Liquids I drank today: Coffee in the morning, Water the rest of the day

Cold, Water, and Skipped Lunches...

So it's my second day in a row without eating lunch. I don't know if it's because of the bad morning I had (yep, I got in late again) or because I may be going through some light depression phase or something... who knows? Anyway, as I was reading a friend's blog on MySpace, I realized that I should begin a small project. But not just ANY project... a weight-loss project.

Now before the critics start spewing shit from their mouths, I want to remind you that it's a short-term project. Today is January 22 - I will give myself one month to lose 5lbs. If I can do it, I will continue; if I cannot, I'll go back to double cheeseburgers (Mmmm...) and Bud Light. Deal?

So I can remind myself of what I'm doing, I'll post each day's progress (i.e. weight, time of workout, etc.) on this very blog. I'll begin the project this evening...


MLK and the Southern-based Company...

So here I am... at work on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. What's wrong with this picture? Isn't this a day were the nation recognizes and honors the man who erased the color line? Isn't it a fucking postal holiday?!

Why am I here?

Ok, so this is more of a rant than anything else. I was late this morning, it's fuckin' cold outside, and I just had endure my supervisor blasting my voicemail on her phone (the one I left her this morning stating I was late).

Why am I getting fucked so much today? Did I kill someone's kid over the weekend on one of my drunken rages? Someone tell me!


Planning to start planning with a planner...

So last night I came up with this "revelation". I've decided to revert to my college freshman roots and buy a planner. You see, back then, I had this cool Pace planner that I carried everywhere. I was able to manage my time, and I was on point with my appointments. Nowadays I'm hardly ever early, nor can I keep simple appointments as mandatory (like getting a haircut). Today I will travel to the nether region of Staples to obtain a suitable planner for my attempt at getting back on track.

Aside from that, I got to work late this morning (again). This time, it was the MTA in all its glory. Seems like the idiots running the system had a tough time moving one train around another, and then maneuvering it back on the track. I ended up getting on a different train, then transferring to the shuttle. Ugh! And the worst part was that I was lugging around a 7lbs bag of papers I need to shred (it's been sitting in my room for close to two years!).

I knew this day was gonna suck... I even told my girlfriend it would. I hope American Gladiators is good tonight.



I feel like farting, but I'm at work. I don't wanna do it in the bathroom because everytime I do, someone just so happens to walk in at that time.

It used to be easy to fart outside because I smoked. Now that I don't, it makes it harder for me to stand somewhere for no good reason.

I feel like having friend chicken today. It's the best food to have when you're hungover =)


Hot Wings and Steak, with a side of Mac and Cheese...

So I admit I was overly emotional and a wee bit intoxicated when I wrote my post from two days ago. After a great conversation over a nice dinner, my girl and I have come to terms about what went down that night. Like adults who care about each other (and the relationship), we spoke calmly about mistakes that were made (actually, I spoke about my mistakes) and we spoke of what our future careers might be leading us. It all ended with a couple of beers while watching the Knicks game (which, by the way, they lost again).

What I had: Steak, with a side of onion rings and mac and cheese

What she had: Grilled chicken salad


Start of something new...?

I came up with this little idea five minutes ago. As I was reading my friend Miriam's blog, I thought it would be cool to chronicle my thoughts on this very blog. After all... isn't that what its used for? However, I plan on writing EVERY little thing that crosses my mind and that I just have to get out.

Let's begin...

Right now, my girl is at home. She's either sleeping, watching TV, or working on my laptop. We didn't say good-bye this morning (after what happened last night), nor have we texted or called one another to talk. I feel so depressed right now that it's killing me. Why does life always get so hard when you try to care for people? Why do I always end up with the shit-end of the stick when it comes to work, family, friends...? Hopefully, this young new year will teach me some things and make me stronger.


Never Good Enough...

It's been quite some time since I last wrote something on here. Since then, the holidays have come and gone... people I once knew closely are slowly fading from my life... and my relationship with my girlfriend has gotten longer and more complex.

Anyways, I'm writing this as an extension of my current emotions. Lately, I feel like I'm not good enough. Although I won't admit it to her, I kinda feel like I'm not good enough for my girlfriend. I've been hearing how important it is to have my college degree (which I agree 100%... but I don't understand the damn rush to get one). She had me sold all the way on moving to Michigan. On leaving my family and friends behind to make her happy and to have a better life for us both. I wanted that so bad... and I did (until about 5 minutes ago). I'm beginning to realize that no matter what I do or how I do it, I have to fit into some mold that she expects. I can't be easy and laid back... taking my time with my goals. Given, I need alot of motivation to get there, but I get there.

A few things I've wanted to obtain lately are my A+ certification and my drivers license. Seeing as my girl and I just had an argument, I find myself going at this alone. Wish me luck.

As I close this rant, I'd like to remind myself that she is moving in with her friend (in Long Island of all places), and has told me she is never coming back. I hope this is not the end... If I am truly the main cause of this all, I guess I deserve to live my last years alone. I guess it's payback for my dad (I'll explain some other time) - what better way to end the family legacy by being the last male to carry on the family name?

I hope my death is painful, yet known. I hope my family understands the reason for my mood the last few years. I wish I had no alliances... to no man, beast, or god... just to me. To walk the Earth as a traveler... ending my life wherever fate has my grave prepared. That is truly what calls me. If this is truly the end of my relationship, may fate lead me to my true calling... whether it be in this life or the next.

Until next time...