
Hot Wings and Steak, with a side of Mac and Cheese...

So I admit I was overly emotional and a wee bit intoxicated when I wrote my post from two days ago. After a great conversation over a nice dinner, my girl and I have come to terms about what went down that night. Like adults who care about each other (and the relationship), we spoke calmly about mistakes that were made (actually, I spoke about my mistakes) and we spoke of what our future careers might be leading us. It all ended with a couple of beers while watching the Knicks game (which, by the way, they lost again).

What I had: Steak, with a side of onion rings and mac and cheese

What she had: Grilled chicken salad

1 comment:

Ms. DeLeon said...

ya vez? hablando se entiende la gente :-).... I'm glad things are resolving and falling into place...continue writing!!