
I'm Sleepy...

I have yet to have anyone come after me with water balloons. LoL. I'll be honest: I've been royally dragging my feet since the beginning of the week. My exercise regimen has gone the way of the Dodo bird, and my eating habits have been awful. Just look at what I've eaten since Wednesday: McDonalds double cheeseburgers, McDonalds chicken snack wraps, cheeseburger deluxe from a deli, turkey and cheese sandwich from a deli, pizza (2 slices), and those 0.50 cent apple pies they seem in bodegas. Ugh! Maybe I can go apeshit and exercise alot tomorrow (since I know I won't tonight).

So other than that, nothing major has been happening. Actually, it's been pretty boring this week. Maybe things will pick up over this Super Bowl weekend =)

Speaking of Super Bowl, I joined the office pool at work. I got some good numbers. Let's see if I win anything... If last year was any indication, I might just walk away with some moolah!

My picks for this Sunday: Giants 24, Patriots 21


Ms. DeLeon said...

You're slacking!! your last post was three days ago :-)

Oh and your predictions were wrong :-P

Ms. DeLeon said...

someone fell off the blogging wagon