
I Think It's My Feet...

"Welcome back"! I bet that's what you were thinking, huh? Yeah, yeah... I've been away for about 10 days. But I'm back now, and I have some new happenings.

So in case you're wondering, I'm still exercising. I was getting a bit lazy lately due to stress and weather (believe it or not, it can wreck havoc on how a person feels). The last time I weighed myself, I was about 196lbs. Nothing big... except that it was a day after I clocked in at 191lbs (personally, I think the difference was 5lbs of feces in my intestines). My eating habits have begun to go back to the good ol' days of friend food and late night snacks. And I've also deviated from my beer diet (really, who was I trying to fool?). Right now, I'm just focusing on my current exercise (which is beginning to give me nicer looking arms).

Aside from that, things have been happening with work too. It has been confirmed that I am getting a promotion (although I'm not sure if I'll get jerked with an insulting salary). It should be effective as of mid-March, so keep checking on here to see any updates.

So I'm drinking water and waiting for the copy machine repair guy to arrive. The weather sucks ass outside, and my mood is 'blah'. I already want to leave... it's been such an unproductive day =(

I'll try to remember to post the tally tonight...

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