
Sprint Speed is Shit Speed...

Man, am I starting to hate my Sprint cell phone service more or what? I recently was switched to their new "billing system" (for whatever reason). As a result, I lost all my content (which was just Tetris, but still...), I lost the time I had accrued with my phone (which means that, on paper, my phone is considered a new one... even though I've had it for close to two fucking years - this ruined my chances at upgrading to a newer device), and the service has been less than good. Combine that with how they charge an arm and a leg for fucking service (and how they sneak in "travel minutes" when you're out of your local service area), and you have a company that seems to be slipping. Their phones aren't even all that.

If after a year of service this shit gets worse, I'm going to the enemy. Verizon, T-Mobile... you hearing me?

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