
Halloween - How I miss you dearly...

So today is Halloween, my favorite holiday. And you know what I'll be doing? That's right! My ass is working late... yeah! And to top it off, today is payday... and I didn't get paid! WTF? Is the world coming to an end? First the Red Sox win the World Series; then A-Rod leaves the Yankees (thank goodness); and today I haven't gotten paid. Ugh!

I miss Halloween. I miss the days where I would meet up with friends (in or out of costume), hang out, get drunk, and have fun. I miss the days of wanton acts of evil, ignoring what repercussions came out of what I said or did to anyone. I miss the mad dash at the end, trying to piece a suitable costume for a party (only to end up wearing a baseball jersey and cap and going as a freakin' baseball player). Ah... Halloween... you will be missed this year. I just hope the feeling hasn't subsided by this time next year. If it does, I'll start a new tradition on this day of All Hallows Eve. One that will usher in my older days =(

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