
2nd Childhood...

So before you continue reading, I just want to tell you that I'm a little high (ok, alot high). Now that we got that outta the way, on to the entry...

So the last couple of weeks have been pretty hard on me at my job. My job... the one thing I have now that so many seek. We recently moved offices, and I went above and beyond to help in every and any which way I could. Now all that has gotten me is worry, frustration, and annoyance. Let's break it down...

The "Worry": I worry my skills are irrelevant now that everything I did at my old office is now handled by at least four major departments. The Jack-of-All-Trades got beat by the major corporation big enough to afford a team of specialists.

The "Frustration": Since I've moved, I've done about 4 combined hours of real work within any given week. Now, I'm coming from a job that had me there for at least 9 hours a day (lunch during that time was me eating at my desk, waiting for the next "fire" to put out). I was used to doing alot, walking alot, and thinking alot. Now? The main thing I work out is keeping my seat as warm as possible.

The "Annoyance": This one is more geared one person... my supervisor/manager/boss. He's been cool about it all, but dude, tell me my fate. If I knew three weeks ago that I would be let go at the end of January or something, I could have used the time looking for a new job. Instead I've been feeling for new positions, instead of going after them hardcore. I'm on the proverbial fence: Should I stay or should I go before I get a definite answer?

I guess the one thing I would love most this Christmas is a new start. Whether it be with a new job or a new department, a new start in my career might motivate me to grow up and stop living my 2nd childhood.

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