
Intensified, A+ Certified...

Good news people: I passed my exams! I'm A+ Certified! Awwww yeeeeeeaaaahhhh!!!

It wasn't easy, but I finally accomplished what I set forth to do months ago. And it took me two weeks to do it =( Lemme explain: Last weekend (February 23rd), I took my first crack at the A+ exams. There are four exams total. One of them is required (the Essentials exam), and the other three are split into tracks. Depending on which one you want to do (IT Technician, Remote Support Technician, Depot Technician), you only have two exams to pass. My first time around, I failed the Essentials exam (by like, two friggin' questions) and passed the IT Technician exam. Today... I came back and spanked the Essentials exam in the ass! So thank you everyone for believing I could do it. If you were all able to follow me this far, I hope you can keep me some more company: I plan on taking a few more certifications soon!

Next in my sights include the CompTIA Network + Certification (kinda like the A+ certification's cousin, but dealing with networks and how to work them), the deceptively easy Microsoft Office Specialist Certification (which when you think of it, might not be worth it... stay tuned), and the big fish... the Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator Certification (well, it's big for me).

On another note, I'm still working out and beginning to see slight progress. If I keep this up, I should be fit by summer time (I might even feel comfy enough to remove my shirt in public).

Until then, stay tuned here for all your Panama news =)

1 comment:

Ms. DeLeon said...

congrats on your certification! Keep it up, maybe one day you'll get to be like me, well that's a little impossible but you can get close...he he ...no, but seriously, congrats and keep working out, I just started to work out as well...lets see how that goes.

Best of luck,
